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My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. Grow as a researcher with me!

It’s time to grow as a researcher without stress or burnout

Here we created a safe and productive space for learning research and academic skills for researchers worldwide. If you are stuck writing your papers, are overwhelmed, and under duress most or all the time, learning new skills can make a vast difference.

Liubov Borisova, researcher and academic coach. Courses and Coaching.

Courses and Coaching

We provide online courses in research writing and academic skills, as well as one-on-one and group coaching.

Liubov Borisova, researcher and academic coach. Community.

Supporting Community

You should not feel isolated while conducting research and writing it up!

Liubov Borisova, researcher and academic coach. Inspiration.

Inspiration and Growth

If you’re stuck, we have plenty of ideas to inspire and propel your research career.

My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. Learn a little bit about me.

About me

My name is Liuba Borisova (PhD). I’m a researcher, an educator, and a researcher’s mentor. Despite having spent my formative years in a developing countriy, I was able to carve out a successful career as a scholar in Europe. It took me many years to fully grasp the Western academic standards and acquire the necessary skills. Later, I made it my goal to assist scientists conducting research across the globe in avoiding burnout, long learning curves, stress, and disappointment. Learn more about my experiences as a non-Western academic.


We create many materials which complement our podcast, blog, social networks and YouTube videos. They are all available for free and you can access them immediately. Start your journey towards a stress-free academic career here.

My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. Learn a bit about freebies.
My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. Planning sprint

Publication Planning Sprint

If you are ready to head-start the planning of your next journal publication, I have created the Publication Planning Sprint.

The sprint is a dynamic, one-week sprint that takes you through the conceptualisation of your article, planning out your timeframe, and preparing to manage your publication as a project. It gives you tools, checklists, app recommendations, and many practical tips.

Journal Publication Clinic

Journal Publication Clinic is a full course on planning, preparing, writing, and publishing a journal article. The course walks you through the entire process of writing an article from the day you get your research results, and to the moment you approve the proofs of your manuscript.

What’s in it:
– 5 modules of lessons from planning and preparing to writing and submitting an article to a journal
– Access to all materials for a year
– Video-lessons, checklists, apps

Who is it for:
– All researchers and PhD candidates who are experiencing problems with writing up their research
– Academics who are not sure how to proceed with an article and procrastinate instead of writing

My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. Course
My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. I will be happy to guide you to your academic success.

Individual and group coaching

Coaching can be done on an individual basis or in groups of four to six people. It is the ultimate training for receiving results, with 10 live sessions, co-writing sessions, discussions, and brainstorming about your work. I will supply you with all the tools and resources you’ll need to streamline your processes and complete your papers in a timely and stress-free manner.

Featured Work

My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. Learn with me.
My name is Liubov Borisova. I'm a researcher and academic coach. I teach early career researchers find their voice in academia and succeed at their own terms. Me smiling.
Happy client who knows how to write her research papers.

I’ve spent 1.5 years “writing” this paper. I was annoyed, stressed, and frustrated. I almost quit. Then I found you. In the past 12 weeks (WEEKS!) I have planned, written, and submitted this annoying paper to the journal. And I even found it enjoyable! Two more papers are currently in the planning stages. I have no words to express how grateful I am… Indeed, this is nothing short of a miracle.

MARIA, Comenius University, Slovakia

Happy client who knows how to write his research papers.

My article was rejected three times. At that point, I was prepared to just forget about it altogether. Honestly, I was just too nervous to send in anything… And then I learned about your mentorship and decided to take the plunge. After two rounds of revision, this paper was accepted to the journal today; I have since completed a second paper and begun work on a third. “Really, it’s shocking how much easier the process is now.

TOBIAS, Gothenburg University, Sweden

Happy client who knows how to write her research papers.

I couldn’t picture myself passing my PhD defence or working in academia afterward because of my many doubts. Despite doing the research, I couldn’t sit down and write a single sentence. But this year marked the turning point. You were the one who gave this change its start. Now that I know how to plan, structure, and write papers, I save so much time. Thank you!

ANNA, Munich University, Germany

Let’s work together on stepping up your
Researcher career

Working at a number of European universities, I witnessed firsthand the strain and anxiety that the “publish or perish” culture places on academics. Researchers from regions other than the West often feel left out of the scientific conversation. The stress and isolation, however, can be mitigated by developing new skills in areas such as research writing and project management, facing one’s fears, and building one’s self-assurance.

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A quick note: if you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Social Networks and contacts

Contact me through any of the social networks, WhatsApp, Telegram, or email.