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About Me

Liubov Borisova, a researcher and an academic coach. I teach academic and scientific writing and skills. I wish for all researchers to write journal articles, research papers and publications stress-free and fast.

My name is Liubov Borisova. I’m a researcher, educator, former student, and mentor of academics.

From a failed student to a successful PhD defence and researcher with publications in international journals, I have come a long way.

In school, I performed about as well as the average student. To put it mildly, when my classmates and teachers found out that I had won a scholarship from the United States government (FLEX – Future Leaders Exchange), they were taken aback. The hallways of the school were eerily silent and people stared at me as I passed. But I was unstoppable, and so in 2000-2001, I spent a year in the United States (the state of Washington specifically) attending a local high school and living with a typical American family. Taking advantage of this chance didn’t cost me anything monetarily, but it did demand a great deal of confidence and initiative.
I learned a lot from the experience of winning that competition (the odds were somewhere around one in a hundred). In the first place, you should not care what others think of you. You are much more familiar with yourself than they are. Second, if you really want to accomplish something, you have to give it a shot, and then another, and then another. My constant mantra was, “Don’t give up.” I still follow it.
I returned home, finished high school, and I enrolled at Moscow’s Research University – Higher School of Economics (faculty of political science). The first academic essay I ever wrote was due in September of 2002, and I failed it miserably. Then began a very long process of developing academic expertise, first for my own use in undergrad and graduate school and then to share with my future students.

No tutorials or courses were available online back then, and our university provided no study skills instruction whatsoever. At first, I had no idea where to look for relevant articles or how to properly credit sources. I taught myself through trial and error using a combination of books, articles, and the few available online resources. It took me a long time to improve my study skills, but by the end of my fourth year of college I was getting A’s on all of my academic papers.
Thanks to my prior knowledge and experience, I was accepted into Lund University’s Master of Arts in European Affairs programme in Sweden. And I finally achieved the status of “A student” across the board for the first time in my educational career.
Why did it finally happen then?
In the end, it was all quite straightforward. I loved learning new things and analysing them in depth, as I was naturally inquisitive and possessed excellent reasoning skills. Unfortunately, this was not something I placed much importance on while pursuing a BA, but it has since become one of my greatest strengths as I have worked toward my MA. That Master’s was completed in 2007, and I went on to earn another Master’s with honours in 2009 from University College London and Charles University in Prague. In my case, I was able to pay for all of my schooling with aid from various scholarship and grant programmes.
I started my doctorate programme in 2009 and haven’t stopped doing research since. In 2010, I began assisting BA students in acquiring the fundamental knowledge and abilities necessary to excel in their studies. The academic path I took wasn’t the one I wanted to show my students. Learning ought to be exciting and engaging, not arduous and boring. Learning the necessary academic and scientific skills for academic success is possible, and it is much easier to do so with the guidance of a teacher or mentor than to fend for oneself in a largely unfamiliar environment.
Since then, I have lectured on academic skills to students at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. My processes and methods are original creations of mine. I’ve written articles that have been published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. After successfully defending my dissertation in 2013, I have held positions as a lecturer and researcher at several institutions. And it’s a great reward for me when my students and clients develop a passion for learning about the world of research and discovery that matches my own.

2009-2013 PhD in Socilogy (of Health), Bremen International Graduate School of Social Science (BIGSSS), Jacobs University Bremen and Bremen University (Germany)
2007-2009 International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS), Erasmus Mundus Programme, University College London (UK) and Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)
2006-2007 MA in European Affairs (Political Science), Lund University (Sweden)
2002-2006 BA in Political Science (specialisation in World Politics), Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russia

Research Experience

I have 13 years of research experience, which began with my PhD in 2009. After defending my PhD thesis in September 2013, I continued to conduct research.

Teaching Experience

I’ve been teaching academic skills, sociology, and research methods since 2010. To date, I’ve had the pleasure of assisting over 500 clients and students.

Publication Record

When I’m not helping students and researchers hone their writing skills, I’m publishing in high-quality academic journals. Publishing should be fun and rewarding; that is my firm belief.

My Mission

My mission is to assist researchers in entering international academia and advancing their careers.

As a researcher, I believe that my work can and should be done in a way that is both enjoyable and stress-free without sacrificing integrity or consideration. The goal of publishing should be knowledge creation, not merely publication.

Liubov Borisova, a researcher and an academic coach. I teach academic and scientific writing and skills. I wish for all researchers to write journal articles, research papers and publications stress-free and fast.

My dreams for the future of academia:

The original intent of standardizing and organizing the publication process has evolved into a “publish or perish” academic environment that is unhealthy in its emphasis on competition. There has been a worrying trend of articles being published merely to be published rather than to advance knowledge. This mentality has spawned a toxic academic climate in which teaching professors are underappreciated and underpaid, research papers are prized over practical application, and the creation of new knowledge is pushed to the sidelines. Academia that is both reflective and mindful is essential for the well-being of students, faculty, and the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Researchers from many low- and middle-income countries cannot afford to access the literature hidden behind paywalls. I believe that bringing previously excluded groups into scientific discussions is crucial to the field’s future success.

Women and people of color face additional challenges in the scientific community because the environment is not always welcoming. However, women and scientists from anywhere in the world deserve equal opportunities to advance their careers in academia. To that end, I hope that universities will become more inclusive and diverse in the years to come.

Many academics work excessive hours and have little life outside of work because of the stresses of academia (e.g., the “publish or perish” culture, underappreciated teaching, administrative responsibilities, and budget cuts). Creating this work-life balance is crucial for the academic community’s growth and prosperity.

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