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Watch the welcoming video about my coaching programme on writing your research publication or a journal article!
Liubov Borisova, a researcher and an academic coach. I offer coaching programme on writing journal articles, research papers and publications stress-free and fast. Coaching is straightforward and individual. Let me become your academic mentor.

About Coaching

One-on-one or small-group coaching on writing your research article from the initial idea to publication is all you need to start your stress-free writing career in academia.

We work every week on a set topic. The first 4 weeks we will dedicate fully to learning. The next 5 weeks are spent writing the draft of the article and editing it. The last three weeks, we prepare the manuscript for submission, submit it to the journal of your choosing, and learn how to deal with reviews.

Who is coaching for?

Those who lack guidance and support

Coaching would be most beneficial for all researchers who lack a mentor and need personal support and guidance.

Those who are afraid to submit an article

Coaching would help researchers who are hesitant to publish in prestigious journals or feel isolated from the global academic community.

Those who find writing frustrating

Coaching would also benefit those who struggle to write or take months to do so.


  • 12 weeks of work
  • 8 Zoom sessions with lessons (recordings of the sessions will be available after the live sessions)
  • All the necessary materials (check-lists, workbook, schemas, examples) 
  • Access to all materials for a year with a possibility of extension
Liubov Borisova, a researcher and an academic coach. I offer coaching programme on writing journal articles, research papers and publications stress-free and fast. Coaching is supporting and fun!

Coaching is…




Results of Coaching

  • Article written and sent to a leading journal in your field;
  • Experience of working closely with a mentor;
  • The complete process of writing for a journal publication;
  • Less stress and more confidence;
  • Motivating environment of other researchers;
  • Better understanding of the future career in academia.

Bonuses of Coaching

  • 10 “Work with Me” sessions with the bigger group of people;
  • 2 Mastermind sessions to talk about your article;
  • Additional lessons uploaded on the platform (on reference managers, different apps, introduction to planning, methodologies, etc.) This section will be continuously updated.
  • Academic English for non-native speakers.
Liubov Borisova, a researcher and an academic coach. I offer coaching programme on writing journal articles, research papers and publications stress-free and fast. You get many bonuses from working with me.

What clients say

Happy client, who now knows how to write her journal publication!

MARIA, Comenius University, Slovakia

I’ve spent 1.5 years “writing” this paper. I was annoyed, stressed, and frustrated. I almost quit. Then I found you. In the past 12 weeks (WEEKS!) I have planned, written, and submitted this annoying paper to the journal. And I even found it enjoyable! Two more papers are currently in the planning stages. I have no words to express how grateful I am… Indeed, this is nothing short of a miracle.

Happy client, who now knows how to write his journal article!

TOBIAS, Gothenburg University, Sweden

My article was rejected three times. At that point, I was prepared to just forget about it altogether. Honestly, I was just too nervous to send in anything… And then I learned about your mentorship and decided to take the plunge. After two rounds of revision, this paper was accepted to the journal today; I have since completed a second paper and begun work on a third. “Really, it’s shocking how much easier the process is now.

Happy client, who now knows how to write her research papers!

ANNA, Munich University, Germany

I couldn’t picture myself passing my PhD defence or working in academia afterward because of my many doubts. Despite doing the research, I couldn’t sit down and write a single sentence. But this year marked the turning point. You were the one who gave this change its start. Now that I know how to plan, structure, and write papers, I save so much time. Thank you!

Pricing of Coaching

Individual Coaching

Pay the whole programme in one instalment

Group Coaching (4-6 people)

Pay the whole programme in one instalment. Price per person.

Individual Coaching

Pay the price in two instalments. One right away, the second in 6 weeks. Price per instalment.

Group Coaching (4-6 people)

Pay the price in two instalments. One right away, the second in 6 weeks. Price per instalment, per person.

Individual Coaching

Pay in three monthly instalments, the first one today, then two more once a month. Price per instalment.

Group Coaching (4-6 people)

Pay in three monthly instalments, the first one today, then two more once a month. Price per instalment, per person.

Note: Pricing is in Euros. Booking groups is only possible once a minimum amount of participants enrol (4 people). Maximum number of participants in each group is 6 people. If you bring a group of 2 or more people, you all get a discount.

Please, note that I only take a maximum of 2 individual clients and 1 group at a time a month. Groups start at the beginning of each month, individual coaching – upon request.

Fill in the form below

To book individual or group coaching, please fill out the form below. I will get back to you within 48 hours with a more detailed questionnaire and an offer for a 30-minute free call. After that I can provide you with a possible start date, or I will put you on a waiting list if no places are available in the next three months. I take only 2 individual clients and 1 group each month. I will also send you the details for payment.

(what type of coaching are you interested in – individual or group coaching, and what type of text do you want/need to write)
I agree with Academio processing my data, which will not be shared with any third party.

Other Services

You can also check out my other services. As an academic coach, I offer a full coaching programme one-on-one or in small groups (4-6 people), as well as editing services and some free materials (both here and in my social networks).